My Story
My journey from playing small to sky is the limit!
I was a shy child
As a child I 'played small' and felt 'less than'. I worried about upseting others, of what others thought of me and of being judged. I was scared of getting things wrong and being told off. I felt like no matter how hard I tried, nothing I did was ever quite ‘good enough’. I was self conscious, embarrassed and self critical. I was overcome by shyness and felt I couldn't partake in school trips or play with cousins at family gatherings. I developed a belief I was just too shy, too 'sensitive' and too emotional.
This lack of confidence and self worth grew as I grew. As an adult it impacted my life choices and decisions. It influenced my choice of university, held me back from traveling or working abroad and ultimately it meant that I entertained unhealthy romantic relationships and I married someone who controlled me emotionally, psychologically and financially for 30 years without me even realising it.
A Moment of Clarity
The moment of clarity came when that marriage ended abruptly and my then husband and father of our four children said; “It’s time you stood on your own two feet.”
It was then that I began to reflect on how little confidence I actually had. Yes, on the outside, I presented as a confident, functioning wife, busy mum and primary school teacher but the end of my marriage shone a completely different light on my entire life. It illuminated areas I had shut away and ignored for many years.
I realised that I had been a people-pleaser for the majority of my life and made a vow to find myself and cultivate the confidence I needed to live the life I always wanted.
My Journey to Confidence
As I began my journey to self confidence and self worth, I re-trained as a mental health and emotional wellbeing practitioner. I learned coping skills, healthy strategies and helpful techniques that helped me as well as the families I worked with.
I drew parallels with the children I had taught in schools; the shy ones, the angry ones, the emotionally overwhelmed ones, the high achieving anxious ones and I realised something profound; they were all on the same path that I had walked as a child.
I witnessed a desperate need for confidence boosting support in childhood to safeguard mental health and emotional wellbeing for their future lives.
My Mission
I had to unlearn many things as an adult to become the woman I am today. As much as I am so glad I went through this process, I know that it can be avoided for your child! And that's why I have made it my mission to empower mums to help their children find their inner confidence and gain their independence now, BEFORE it impacts their teenage years and adulthood, as it did mine.
I know that by addressing confidence issues in childhood we will not only create a better, happier childhood but future generations who will be healthier and more at peace with themselves and who they truly are.